Week 11

My parents have agreed to get me more paper, but they say I cant buy too much. I also have been making more paper airplanes from these two YouTube Chanel’s



They are very helpful even they go a bit fast. Usually I have books to follow but YouTube also helps. My “experts” have not responded to the emails, so I’m just going to call them. I probably should have done that in the first place.

Blog post 10

Since last week I have put in more work. My weekends are now almost fully covered by doing it. I am finding out that I need tons of paper if have so many fails. I have decided that the next month, so till the presentation, I will put full effort into making bigger and more complex pieces.

I did not expect it to cost so much for paper. My allowance has been paying for it for now. I might to ask for my parents to buy some for me as a favor.

Week 9 blog post

I think I need to get going. I have progressed slower than I wanted. I going to put more work in it during the week. Instead of doing 4 hours a week I think I’ll move it to 6 hours a week I think then I’ll have more examples for the presentation in February.

Also during New Years break I reached out to Taro’s Origami Studio but they Haven’t respond to the email yet.